Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Month Of September

My Mexican friend, Karla who is doing her masters in Outdoor Ed invited some of us to her place to celebrate Mexico's Independence day. She led us in the declaration of independence which requires us to go out to the yard in the middle of the night to shout something in Spanish. Then still got fireworks some more! With all that noise we made, it was a surprise that the neighbors never cow peh.

As part of the celebration, we took turns to whack the pinata until it breaks apart. The purpose is to get the candy inside. Its a popular activity in the Mexican culture.

Everyone had to come in the Mexican national colours: red, green and white...more like walking Christmas tree can...

Remains of the pinata...

The usual mob of roos at our uni's backyard. Guess how many are there?

Shingle Back Lizard after hibernating all winter. Feeling a bit stoned.

We are in the third week of spring and there are flowers are all over the place. Will put up one post on all the flowers I had to do research on.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The BIG River Paddle Trip

Another week in September means another trip. This time we go to the Big River, eastern part of Victoria for a paddle. As the uni is about three hours drive away from most rivers, this is how we usually transport them for our trips. Captions (canoe) on the top, kayaks (mostly Daggers) in the centre and the rafts at the bottom. The whole trailer is towed by our mini-bus.

Chucky had the most comfortable place on the bus. Got his own bean bag on top of the engine compartment to keep him warm. If he wants fresh air, he just climb over me to get towards the window and I will have to open for him. First class treatment for one of the lecturer cum driver's dog.

We started rafting on the first day on the river to have a good feel how it runs before we hop into the kayaks. The Big river is about a grade two on the average.

All of us took turns to be the guide and this is my crew...the talk and with little output kind!

I decided to try out the caption after getting bored with the kayaks after the first day. It was good fun and tricky to manoeuvre down the rapids. It requires longer time for it to react to the turnings. I capsized when going down the next rapid after this photo was taken. Cold man! Water temperature was below 10 degrees but thanks to the hand me down dry top from Chee Mun and Nam Jin, it was bearable. Thanks guys!

With one of the third year guys bringing us around.

Got a chance to try out my lecturer's playboat. It got me all excited cos it reacts really well with the slightest movement or stroke. I even brought it up river to run through some of the rapids again with it. Nothing really big but good fun!

Another group photo for yet another trip. This was more of an introduction to river paddling kind of trip. It seems being able to roll is a big thing among the ang mohs...

My new bus buddy on the trip back.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Break From Uni...Sydney!

I didn't know that I was in the same uni as Optimus Prime! Not a robot but a business undergrad in disguise. This is the result when ang mohs get too free during their holidays. The ability to transform is what makes it impressive!

Movies seems to be the theme of the day... here is one of my classmate's kid, Merrick. Dressed up as Harry Potter. I am his playmate whenever he tags along with his mom for lectures.

Unexpected "passenger" in a van parked at the mall. Surely nobody dares to steal a unlocked van with a Great Dane sitting behind.

I had to get away from uni life for a while. As a result, I drove down to Melbourne and booked a flight to Sydney to visit Janet and Paul.

Janet, my sister cum driver in Sydney. We didn't go any where much other than shopping for groceries, eating and staying at her place doing my bloody worldviews assignment! Can you tell that she is eight months pregnant?

The durians there had this weird packaging and is also cheaper than the D24s back home. But not so sure about the taste though...wah lau! make me gian man!

Cute looking fish in the Sydney Seafood Market. At least they have a good reason to look worried and sad.

Got bored of my two hour drive back to Bendigo...

40 - 60 km/h winds were reported on the day as I drove back. It doesn't make it any easier driving my light weight Deawoo in those kind of windy condition. Its so strong that I witnessed a sign board four times bigger than that one shown got blown off just 50 meters in front of my car while making my way to the Melbourne.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Barmah Forest Trip & Visit To Melbourne

Worldviews lecture was cut short due to fire drill. Everyone rather stand in the sun than listening to the weekly philosophical lecture.

The guys above 25 (only three of us) gets a chance to drive the bus on trips and get paid 25AUD/hour. The rest of the young punks don't get a chance cos insurance don't cover them. This time Liam gets paid as he study!

Bus rides like this last for one to five hours. The longer ones are the kind I buay tahan...noisy...smelly...dirty....

On this trip, we study the human activities that affects the Murray River which is the longest in Australia. We also took a look at the Barmah forest state park...where we saw wild horses and emus...they run too fast...cannot catch a shot of them in time.

Flood levels through the years.

Unlike the ang mohs the Aboriginal people in the past don't believe in chopping down trees. So they cut part of it out to make canoes or furniture. Scar trees like this one can be found throughout Australia.

I had at least a Singapore kakhi along on this trip. Suzanna who is doing her postgrad studies in Outdoor Ed decided to tag along for the trip. We had sushi for dinner and the ang mohs was so amazed that we can do that in the field. Swa ku!

"Kumpung Singapore"! The 20 year old Macpac tent vs my 300SGD "Nut" tent on the right!

An overview of a dried up lake in Barmah Forest. Photo was taken on top of a tree I climbed. Can see the ang mohs were up to something among the Giant Rushes...their kind of lalang.

Stunt one: As usual, they got bored and started running and diving into the rushes. Then later... like the previous trip, some started stripping and taking nude shots in the grass. I discovered the ang mohs just have this habit of stripping...

Stunt two: While studying the thick amount of duck weed on the river, Beck took up the dare to cross the river by crawling over the weeds without getting wet. Result: She failed horribly and had to endure a wet trip back home.

The Great Wall of Instant Noodles! You can find all the varieties of instant noodles on this seven 30meters shelves in the Melbourne Asian grocer.

Manage to find the new Hardrock climbing gym in Melbourne!

...but very crowded. Nice place though...look like Camp 5 in KL but slightly smaller. Earlier that day Suz and myself went around Melbourne shopping for my wetsuit. We went to have tim sum in chinatown as well. Just to show that life here is not as bad as it seems to some of you...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Winter Alpine Trip At Bogong High Plains

Just came back from my ski and alpine trip in the mountains some where along the Great Dividing Range. Here are some of the many pictures taken...takes too long to upload all.

We had to put up at a school hall near Falls Creek for the night. Everybody was dead tired from a long day of lectures and bus ride from uni.

A cold front hit us as we were on our first day of expedition led by our leader cum lecturer Terry Gaechter. The problem with Australian snow is its cold and wet...sometimes snow, sometimes hail and other times even worst...rain.

After setting up camp, we kept ourselves warm by digging a sheltered kitchen with wall lightings. By night fall we were so tired that we went straight to our tents once dinner was done. Due to the wet and cold conditions, some of the chow ang mohs didn't even get out of their tents the whole day!

After enduring minus two degrees temperature in the wet tent the whole night, I was so glad to see the sun the next day. Good time to dry all my gear.

Our campsite from a nearby hill. The pile of snow on the right is our "great wall" to shelter the kitchen and tents from the wind.

Heres a shot with my tent buddy, Chris. We started to dress down as the day grew warmer.

I can stand with my skis on!!!

After the bad weather on the first day, we were blessed by warmer weather as we toured the region for the next couple of days.

When tired, we stop for an hour long lunch picnics. Slack man...heres mine.

Here is the group skiing up the towards the ridge going up Mount Nelse. Can see we all no teamwork...don't ski even ski together.

At our pace, even the fox also faster than us!

Summit shot. After this all the pui ang moh cha bohs decided to do a nude shot together...I not pui enough to join them.

The sian look on my face after seeing their fat white naked butts.

Eye power! This is the usual scene when there is serious work to be done. Feels like doing national service again.

With all the mountain views by day and star filled skies by night, this was a great experience personally. However I found it difficult to share this experience with anyone as I stand alone in this foreign land...Damn! I miss home!