Monday, September 3, 2007

Winter Alpine Trip At Bogong High Plains

Just came back from my ski and alpine trip in the mountains some where along the Great Dividing Range. Here are some of the many pictures taken...takes too long to upload all.

We had to put up at a school hall near Falls Creek for the night. Everybody was dead tired from a long day of lectures and bus ride from uni.

A cold front hit us as we were on our first day of expedition led by our leader cum lecturer Terry Gaechter. The problem with Australian snow is its cold and wet...sometimes snow, sometimes hail and other times even worst...rain.

After setting up camp, we kept ourselves warm by digging a sheltered kitchen with wall lightings. By night fall we were so tired that we went straight to our tents once dinner was done. Due to the wet and cold conditions, some of the chow ang mohs didn't even get out of their tents the whole day!

After enduring minus two degrees temperature in the wet tent the whole night, I was so glad to see the sun the next day. Good time to dry all my gear.

Our campsite from a nearby hill. The pile of snow on the right is our "great wall" to shelter the kitchen and tents from the wind.

Heres a shot with my tent buddy, Chris. We started to dress down as the day grew warmer.

I can stand with my skis on!!!

After the bad weather on the first day, we were blessed by warmer weather as we toured the region for the next couple of days.

When tired, we stop for an hour long lunch picnics. Slack man...heres mine.

Here is the group skiing up the towards the ridge going up Mount Nelse. Can see we all no teamwork...don't ski even ski together.

At our pace, even the fox also faster than us!

Summit shot. After this all the pui ang moh cha bohs decided to do a nude shot together...I not pui enough to join them.

The sian look on my face after seeing their fat white naked butts.

Eye power! This is the usual scene when there is serious work to be done. Feels like doing national service again.

With all the mountain views by day and star filled skies by night, this was a great experience personally. However I found it difficult to share this experience with anyone as I stand alone in this foreign land...Damn! I miss home!


Anonymous said...

i wish its snowing here ! its just all rain and more rain these few days. (suits my
anyways...why never take their nude shot ! hahahah.i can't imagine (not that i want to -.-) if u're part of the "models".hahaha

Unknown said...


I'm so glad you've got this so I can see how you're doing in Australia .

Please do let me knw when you're cming back , cos I miss you & miss sng ! Hopefully , we could all catch up again .



Unknown said...

Hi Bro.

Endure a little while more. Soon it will be Dec & you will be home again. For 2 months at least right. Then you can pig out, eat all the food that you miss, etc. Keep safe. Committing you to God's best care. He alone is in total control.

Love David Goh

Unknown said...

WAH!! What a hard life you have..didn't know you go to Uni, your life so "chi cham" !! On the bright side, your going thru this will stand you in good stead as you toughen yourself up.
Committing you the God's care as you learn to rely and focus on Him.
Call home soon!