Wednesday, November 14, 2007

To Sydney Again...

Last week I went back to Sydney again cos my sisters and mom were around to look at the latest addition to the nephew, Daren.

Here is the small little thing enjoying his bath.

Australia got quite a lot of chiong stuff...even bread also want to chiong one!

Then the Chinese try to make their version of Oreos...

And yes! Introducing my latest toy! The Dagger G-Force 5.9 playboat! Still in the shop in Melbourne...kanna scratch in the river, heart also not so pain cos its second hand.

On Sunday, my family went to St Andrew's cathedral in Sydney for church service. It reminded me again how orderly worship can be. Anyway, got caught up with the architecture of the cathedral...a lot of nice stain glass! is the little ABC (Australian Born Cheena) again. He is six weeks old now and is more of a nocturnal baby. Will see him again back home in December.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Exams Are Almost Over!

My A4 piece of "cheat sheet" worth of notes to bring into the exam hall. As usual, took a lot of effort to cramp all the info in that piece of paper.

After the papers, some of us went to the pub to bitch about it...or like to drown our sorrows...

Now that my exams are more or less over, its time for property haunting! After scanning through a long list of houses, here are my top four. From the $145 per week on the top left to the $200 per week at the bottom right. One of these will be my new home for the rest of my time here. The process was quite I know why my mother love doing it in the past.

There is more time for training as well...always find it more siong to cycle here than back home. I think I covered all the hills in Singapore within my 50km ride today. Then some days the wind can be so strong that walking might be even faster!

But one good thing here is that the bike lanes are as big or sometimes even bigger than the car lanes! Better than our double yellow line cycling lane we are so used to back home.

From the view of planes taking off on the runway cycling along coastal road back home to this... smell of the outback...did I mentioned the smell of horse and cattle shit as well?

Bendigo Bank Lakeside Run

In the midst of exam prep, I manage to find some time to de-stress by signing myself up for a 10km run last Sunday morning. The turn out was good despite the rain. This is the kids one mile race around the lake...actually don't know why they call it a lake...more like pond instead.

After that, it was the start of the 10km run and off I go!...but from right behind.

The run brought us down town and to some interesting landmarks. There is no Chinatown in here but some left over structures by the Chinese from the gold mining era. But you know lah...once the gold ran out, so does the Chinese. So not many of the original guys stay here any more.

Surprise surprise...never thought I will see this kind of support crew here...especially not during the run! So since all the Chinese left, the all ang moh crew had to do the performing. Funny man!

The rain came down hard during the run and it was so cold until my hands were getting numb. Never the less, I am proud to come in 1ST under the unofficial Asian category! The other one behind me was an auntie in her 40s. Haha...still 1st what!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Random Stuff

I was at the Prince of Wales showground on one of the Sunday mornings to buy food stuff for my trip. Its just like a pasar malam back home. Even got Asian stall owners selling chiong designer clothes. Then can see the ang moh bargain with them some more.

Ang moh version of selling pirated DVDs. Notice they got no table case police come.

I stopped by town that morning to check out the oldest bike tour in Australia, the Jayco Herald Sun Tour that suppose to start in Bendigo. But I forgot the ang mohs all sleep late on Sunday mornings. So I only witnessed the setting up of the place and admiring the race director's Volvo.

Susanna took this during one of the study field trips. Check out the siow on Singaporean right in front!

My new "playground" everyday for the past week. With the exams in a weeks time, its easier to get things done in the library than my place...

Now you know why I go to the library? This is the new look to my disaster site. At least show I got study ok!

Earlier in this week was the third anniversary of the passing on of my dad. It still seems like yesterday when I drove him to the hospital... still think of him once in a while and as I carry on living my life, I know a part of him will always be evident in me. Thats why its called "like father, like son".