Friday, November 9, 2007

Bendigo Bank Lakeside Run

In the midst of exam prep, I manage to find some time to de-stress by signing myself up for a 10km run last Sunday morning. The turn out was good despite the rain. This is the kids one mile race around the lake...actually don't know why they call it a lake...more like pond instead.

After that, it was the start of the 10km run and off I go!...but from right behind.

The run brought us down town and to some interesting landmarks. There is no Chinatown in here but some left over structures by the Chinese from the gold mining era. But you know lah...once the gold ran out, so does the Chinese. So not many of the original guys stay here any more.

Surprise surprise...never thought I will see this kind of support crew here...especially not during the run! So since all the Chinese left, the all ang moh crew had to do the performing. Funny man!

The rain came down hard during the run and it was so cold until my hands were getting numb. Never the less, I am proud to come in 1ST under the unofficial Asian category! The other one behind me was an auntie in her 40s. Haha...still 1st what!

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