Thursday, March 13, 2008

Settling Down...

It has been almost a month and I am still having issues with my new place that are not settled. It doesn't help when my trips this semester are coming in thick and fast. The good thing is that I am really occupied and time is passing really fast now. The bad thing is I don't have any internet connection at my place and have to do frequent runs to the uni library when I am free to get always gets interesting when I am here...

'A compass on a plaque looks good but thats not what a compass is built for' -Daniel Goh
Sorry, only ex-OBS staff who got one of these will only understand.

So when my housemate came back, we started shifting all our stuff to the new place. Can see that we have limited space in my Deawoo. So the bulkier stuff like mattresses and tables have to go up on the roof... pretty fun driving around with heaps of things on top of the car!

Here is the simple bouldering wall in school. I miss the routine Tuesdays climbing sessions back home. So I try to climb here every Tuesdays...usually alone.

Went down to Lake Eppalock one of those days before uni started with some church people to have a simple barbecue and to check out how much water was left in the lake... more like puddle to me.

Here they are... the Koreans, Vietnamese, PRC and the Singaporean taking this photo.

Oh yah...the departmental store's shelves here look something like that. Apparently its the doing of shoppers! If you think this is bad, should check out the shoes department if you get a chance.

The only two free days I had were the first two since I got here. Got so much time until I literally pah bang (kill mozzies)! But its all busy now... hope my internet at my place will be up soon...whenever that will be.

1 comment:

gLeNiSe said...

but u've been online wat!!!