Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Ride Of My Life!

I signed up for the Great Ocean Road ride since last October to kick start some training when here but still feeling a bit slack. Only Adam, my Aussie classmate is sieow enough to join me in the 145km ride.

We met in Melbourne and drove down to Torquay (start point) in the middle of the night. Students = Poor. So we saved on our accommodation and slept in the car park instead...together with our two bikes of course.

I must say it wasn't the best sleep that night. However it was a welcoming sight when the sun rises.

My 'partner in crime' and me ready for the long ride ahead...until we realised that we did not plan for breakfast!

The organisers were sending out bush fire warnings the whole week prior to the ride and the temperature was ranging from 38 to 40 degrees. But thank God it turned out all good and cool that whole day. The turn out was about 3000 riders in different shapes and sizes.

And of course its a smart choice to draft behind the bigger ones...

Oh ya...remember the part that we did not have breakfast before the ride? After close to 70km into the ride, we beh tahan any more and stopped over at a cafe to get some food. I found out that we were not the only ones.

This is the how the elevation of the whole ride looks like. So imagine a really heavy Aussie breakfast got into my stomach just at the 70 km mark...can guess what happened next!

Going down after that big climb was thrilling and scary. Its like going down 20 times the length of South Buona Vista Road (near NUH) on a bike doing close to 60kmh. Riders were breaking so hard that you can smell burning rubber from the breaks!

Its great feeling once I got to the sea. I think I will be able to do 145km comfortably if it is back home where its all flat but the hills here really killed me. I drafted Adam for the last 20km. I never felt so siong after a bike ride before and the thought of never to ride again actually crossed my mind! I can't put it in any better words than this:
"I am glad I did it, partly because it was well worth it, and chiefly because I shall never have to do it again."- Mark Twain


Anonymous said...

yOur ride wAs daMn poWer! gReat joB!

gLeNiSe said...

I like the jersey!!!