Saturday, December 8, 2007

Queensland And The Three Amigos

Okay. This will be the longest post yet. Trying to squeeze everything into bare with me. Tired of doing this four days in a row. Don't know how you guys can do this everyday!

Went to help Paul and Janet pack up their place when in Sydney for that few hours in town. Took the time to snap a few close shots of the ABC. more for me to bully!

The city of day light savings here so its back to two hours ahead. Landed here on a early Friday morning.

Gene came and pick me up with this rented 3 liter Jeep and we drove up north to Melvin's place at Maroochydore. This is where Mel and the rest of the SFC cadets play their aeroplane games or get to fly the Lear jet when they are good enough.

Ya...we were such great fans of Steve Erwin that we came here twice within the day but never even step inside. The first time we had KFC outside. Then the second time was to go back to pick my phone at the counter which I forgot about. We didn't go in cos it cost us 45 AUD each to find his grave and look at some crocs. Thats a ripper mate!

It took us some time to figure how to take the roof off the jeep. Imagine three guys along the roadside trying to do that but we were all happy at the end with all the attention we got driving around topless!

The Ettamogah Pub, another tourist place. Said to be one of the oldest around. Too bad none of us were interested in drinking that day.

Taking an evening stroll along Sunshine Coast...

We summited Mt Tinbeerwah with no hiking boots or shoes but only in slippers!

Great view from the top. Makes me wonder why shouldn't my course be based in Queensland?

Our naked dinner... so good enough for Cleo's 50 eligible bachelors?

We left Mel's place cos he needs to study. Ended at Gene's cousin's place in Brisbane for lunch. They had an early Christmas lunch before Gene returns back to Singapore. I must say it was a pretty nice high cholesterol meal.

They say that if you see a pair of shoes hanging over the power lines, you most probably find someone selling drugs in that area. I have seen a few in most of the cities here. Finally manage to take a photo of one.

So this is the famous Gold Coast main beach. The place to see and be seen. Some call this place Gold Vagas because it just too touristy.

...but its nice from far.

I think I flew so much this year that I should apply for frequent flyer programme. So after two odd weeks of travelling, its time to return to the country town of Bendigo. I felt so tired by the time I reached back. Must have been all the five months worth catching up with khakis within two weeks. Such a sudden change but I feel so blessed by such good company. Thanks guys!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Melbourne To Canberra

When down to Melbourne with the girls before flying off to Canberra. It was my first time really walking around and looking at the city since I was here.

We stayed at one of the backpackers lodge in Chinatown and down stairs is a pub. Then caught this underage girl buying a jug of beer!

Flew to Canberra to pay a visit to my brudders who are attached to OBA to kio sai. The base is situated in a quiet part of Tharwa, south of the Australian Capital Territory.

All Outward Bound centres must have their rope course. Similar to the ones back home.

For about a month, this was home for LJ and Connel.

After my arrival, we immediately got down to the first order of business...tai tee! Just like the good old days!

This was all I saw of the capital during my stay. A drive through town on the way to dinner. Apparently I heard you can boulder on the outside of the national library building.

Some of the OBA staff brought us to this restaurant that specialises in native Aussie cuisine like bush tucker and native animals. The kangaroo, crocodile and emu meat wasn't too bad but I can't tell the difference. Didn't dare to take a photo of our dinner cos everybody was hungry and moody after an hour plus wait which we took 15 minutes to finish eating.

The next day we took a bus down to Sydney and had tim sum with Will, an American Instructor working in OBA. Connel Co-instructed with him when the smelly boys were in WA. He is one of the few nicer Americans I met.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Touring Time!

Vivian, Tracey and Liping. The OBS Instructors who spent their holidays with me and guess who was their tour guide? and photographer? and driver? but it was still nice to have them around for a change.

Surfer babes wanna bes... in Torquay along Great Ocean Road. Should see how they put on their wet suits at wonder the ang mohs stare at them. Haha...

The "12 rocks" I wanted to see. Said to be eight left but still can't find all eight.

Another famous area, The Loch Ard. We drove along Great Ocean Road and did what the other tourist were, take photos, and head to the next destination and repeat the same process again. Senseless!

My geography teacher would be so proud of me when I still can remember all the coastal geographical features like this blow hole!

We ended spending a couple of days along Great Ocean Road before heading north to the Grampians...yet again. Oh! The best hot chocolate is found at this place... can't remember the name of the place but its cheap and good.

View half way up Mount Abrupt in the south side of the Gramps.

After more than an hour, we could see the summit! Like damn siong like that! We also ascend our own alpine style, no oxygen and no bagpack but got camera and chocolate!

Unfortunately, we didn't summit because of this guy. At first I thought it was a fake but then suddenly it moved!

We didn't want to stress him especially when he was near the cliff. Scared he would jump. Its really uncommon to see a koala in the wild these days. Even more so finding one on top of the mountain! I felt that we were such losers, even the koala summit before us!

We camped around the Gramps for the next few days and did a bit of climbing up north before heading back to my place.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

End Of The Disappearing Act

I disappeared for the last couple of weeks after exams and now back but still not back home...sigh. At least posting all the back-log entry will keep me occupied for a while. So this was what happened after my exams...

The weekend after the exams, some of my Aussie classmates and myself went down to Portsea (south of Melbourne) to surf. A good chance to try out my just collected playboat! Here is a different view of my toy, all cleaned up and looking better than the last picture I posted.

This was the state of the surf by the time we got there on Saturday afternoon. The swells were abt three meters high and not really surfable! It doesn't look big in this picture but it made Ramunia look like child's play.

We went ahead after much consideration but we didn't get far. None of us manage to get into the green...I tried using my kayak and it got me a little further but the force of the wave was so strong that I can't even hold on the paddle in a defensive position! We called it quits after seeing seals swimming around. This is not always a good sign cos if got seals means got sharks! Especially after seeing a dead seal when we were out there!

We drove to the other side of the peninsular to practice kayaking in flat water. I ended teaching them how to roll for the rest of the day.

We went to Sandringham Life Saving Club by the beach to have a "barbi" dinner. One of our school mate is working there as a lifeguard.

My classmates Lisa and Amy enjoying the sunset as the guys prepare dinner. Slackers!

The hi-tech public toilet! Everything in there is automatic. Automatic sliding door, automatic music played after the door closes, automatic toilet paper dispenser, automatic soap dispenser and I have to wash my hands so to flush the toilet...not say I don't lah... The down side is that I cannot spend more than 10 minutes doing my business and I have to move around during that time so that the motion sensor can detect me...if not the door will open!

Neighbour complain that our grass too long and scared his house will get burnt if there was a bush fire on our side. I didn't want to pay $100 for the lawn to be cleared so ended up spending two days clearing the lawn the two third the size of a basketball court. I made the rest of the PRCs who were too lazy to do a damn thing to pay me.

There was really a bush fire after I cut my grass but it was 50 meters behind my school. Haha...just to think about last time when I hated school so much that I wish the school kanna burn down! It almost came through...wasted!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

To Sydney Again...

Last week I went back to Sydney again cos my sisters and mom were around to look at the latest addition to the nephew, Daren.

Here is the small little thing enjoying his bath.

Australia got quite a lot of chiong stuff...even bread also want to chiong one!

Then the Chinese try to make their version of Oreos...

And yes! Introducing my latest toy! The Dagger G-Force 5.9 playboat! Still in the shop in Melbourne...kanna scratch in the river, heart also not so pain cos its second hand.

On Sunday, my family went to St Andrew's cathedral in Sydney for church service. It reminded me again how orderly worship can be. Anyway, got caught up with the architecture of the cathedral...a lot of nice stain glass! is the little ABC (Australian Born Cheena) again. He is six weeks old now and is more of a nocturnal baby. Will see him again back home in December.