Thursday, December 6, 2007

Touring Time!

Vivian, Tracey and Liping. The OBS Instructors who spent their holidays with me and guess who was their tour guide? and photographer? and driver? but it was still nice to have them around for a change.

Surfer babes wanna bes... in Torquay along Great Ocean Road. Should see how they put on their wet suits at wonder the ang mohs stare at them. Haha...

The "12 rocks" I wanted to see. Said to be eight left but still can't find all eight.

Another famous area, The Loch Ard. We drove along Great Ocean Road and did what the other tourist were, take photos, and head to the next destination and repeat the same process again. Senseless!

My geography teacher would be so proud of me when I still can remember all the coastal geographical features like this blow hole!

We ended spending a couple of days along Great Ocean Road before heading north to the Grampians...yet again. Oh! The best hot chocolate is found at this place... can't remember the name of the place but its cheap and good.

View half way up Mount Abrupt in the south side of the Gramps.

After more than an hour, we could see the summit! Like damn siong like that! We also ascend our own alpine style, no oxygen and no bagpack but got camera and chocolate!

Unfortunately, we didn't summit because of this guy. At first I thought it was a fake but then suddenly it moved!

We didn't want to stress him especially when he was near the cliff. Scared he would jump. Its really uncommon to see a koala in the wild these days. Even more so finding one on top of the mountain! I felt that we were such losers, even the koala summit before us!

We camped around the Gramps for the next few days and did a bit of climbing up north before heading back to my place.

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