Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Round TWO! Gramps again...

Here I am back at the Gramps again for the second week in a row. This time on a uni trip for a week observing nature. Here is one of my lecturers Phil leading my group. Really nice fatherly figure.

And off we go on our five day bush walk...

Sandstone formations like this one are pretty common around the area.

We walked pass one of the multi pitch climbing sites. Gians...

The chow ang mohs this time round wasn't that chow but seow at times... at least some stayed up after dinner for a couple of card games. I ended up teaching the seow ang mohs how to play tai tee and they love it!

View from the top of Mount Difficult but getting up there was not so difficult.

We just made the mountain a few centimeters higher!

We spent some time doing landscape drawings and record the nature around. Nice Cirrocumulus clouds.

We had some time before meeting the other groups on the last day. So Phil decided to drive us for some ice cream at a touristy place and check out the McKenzie Falls which is the biggest in the Grampians.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing sights..sure would love to go up a helicopter to view these places...no climbing or walking for me!! hope you are enjoying yourself while viewing God's creation.