Friday, October 19, 2007

Its A Dog's World After All...

I discovered that all ang mohs here like their dogs. They are generally well behave and sometimes more well behave than some of their owners.

On the other hand you have brats like Coby, (pastor's dog) which I help to take care during this time when my pastor is away. This dog is greedy, barks non stop and wakes me up at 5am every morning to open the door for him to do his business! Did I mention that he also sleep on his back and snores loudly until I wake up?

And of course you got the lazy ones... its hard to imagine that my friends Pit Bull (one of those dogs thats well known for killing people) slept on my lap the whole afternoon!

Baby - The OBS Dog (1992 to 2007)
This post is dedicated to Baby who passed away last week back home. The dog that saw generations of OBS Instructors through all her years. She will always be known for swimming across the channel and following Instructors out for expeditions...can't even remember how many cans of my chicken luncheon I fed her when I was still there. Anyway... she is a great dog and friend that will always be part of the history of OBS.


gLeNiSe said...

aiyo...the dogs there sooooo cute la!!!

Unknown said...

coby is so cute ! i like the lazy pitbull more..haha..
and i remember baby ! shehnas was damn scared of her..hahaha
anyways,you take care over there !!
i screwed my midterms too..but who gives a damn ! bleahs.