Sunday, October 21, 2007

Its Time To Get Serious!

The first signs of summer was felt today, 35 degrees and finishing my last bit of assignments this week means its time to get racing again! Enough of procrastinating and I need to get out of this rut!

My last Olympic distance race earlier this May in Bintan... way too long ago! I need to take some practical steps to get going...

Step One: Due to the rough roads here, I finally put aside my HED racing wheels and fitted on a set of training ones. Courtesy of Gene. Started working on my skinny fair legs again!

Step Two: Went down to Melbourne and invested in my first tri wetsuit by 2XU. Now cannot give excuse not to touch the cold waters.

Step Three: Went online to register whatever races I can find around. This is a good series to start off with...mostly sprint distance. Unfortunately I won't be around for the OD one. But good chance to try swimming with the wetsuit.

Gene talked me into this one! Will really be a interesting 145km ride along Great Ocean Road in March next year. Need to put in some mileage on this one... I chose to complete it under six hours though.

Of course the other reason I signed up was because they were giving free jersey for the first 3000 cyclist! Woohoo! I proud to be a Singaporean! The time is now to start training...


gLeNiSe said...

How cool...Dan the Veteran...way to go!

Unknown said...

i conclude that you're insane.hur